Home staging

10 Ideas to Improve the Kerb Appeal of Your Home

10 Ideas to Improve the Kerb Appeal of Your Home

Kerb appeal is crucial in attracting potential purchasers or providing a friendly environment for your guests when it comes to leaving a lasting impression. Making improvements to the outside of your home not only boosts its market worth but also fills you with pride as the owner. These ten suggestions will help you increase your property's kerb appeal and make a good impression, whether you're looking to sell it or just want to make it look better overall.

Staging a Kitchen to Impress Potential Buyers

Staging a Kitchen to Impress Potential Buyers

There’s more to staging a kitchen than freshly baked bread and a vase of flowers, though they are a good start. Kitchens are often considered the heart of the home, and we know that buyers are easily off put by those which are not appealing visually and functionally. While a complete kitchen renovation may not be on the cards, though we do offer design consultancy services for that too, we’ve got plenty of great suggestions for you to try.