Owners Guide to Living in a Staged Home

Living in a staged home isn’t for everyone, with many homeowners moving into alternative accommodation when staging occurs. But what if you need to remain living in your home while it is on the market? Can you live in a staged home?

We take a look at the pros and cons of living in a staged home, plus share some tips on how to make living there easier on everyone.

Pros & Cons of Living in a Staged Home

In an ideal world, you’d have already moved into your new home before your old one is put on the market. You’d be left with a clean slate where you could highlight the best features to your buyers through careful furniture and home décor positioning.

Unfortunately, this is often not the case. Most times you’ll need to sell your property first in order to have the cash to purchase the new home. But you know that by having your home staged, you could shorten the length of time on the market, generate much interest amongst buyers and increase the sale price. The only option other than seeking temporary accommodation is to live in your staged property.

The positives of remaining in your home while it is staged can include:

  • it looks and feels amazing

  • enjoying features you previously took for granted

  • having a clean and tidy home to live in

  • being super organised and packed well before you move out

  • not having to store your furniture elsewhere

One the other hand, the downsides can include:

  • may not be your preferred style of furnishings or colours

  • fewer personal belongings at the home due to decluttering

  • concern about keeping the house clean and tidy

  • needing to be extra careful with the hired furniture and décor

  • not feeling like your home anymore

Needs must though, and if you are staying put for now, you’ll wat to know how to make the process easier for everyone.

5 Tips on Living in a Staged Home

To help you live more comfortably in your staged property, we’re sharing five tips to help time pass smoothly for your household:

  1. Keep your personal belongings hidden – items such as toothpaste and toothbrushes, hairbrushes, shampoo and other personal care products should be put into closed cupboards when not in use. Buyers want to see themselves living there, not you.

  2. Use a meal plan – seems a rather funny tip, but believe us, it’s not! Create a weekly meal plan when you list what you’ll be cooking at home during the week. You’ll be avoiding messy meal preps to cut down on cleaning, not cooking strong smelling foods and scheduling in a few takeaways each week.

  3. Send your pets away – you may love your cat, but your potential buyers may have an allergy to him. It’s best to book your pet into a kennel or cattery while your home is staged to reduce stress for everyone, plus reducing the likelihood of damage to hired furniture.

  4. Downsize belongings - now is the time to pack up your extra clothes, books and even excess furniture and store it elsewhere. A house which contains fewer belongings helps a buyer see the property’s potential easier. It will also help the stager better highlight the positives of your home.

  5. Multi-task – you know you’ll need to keep your home super clean while on the market. So, clean the shower while you are in it and vacuum the house as part of your daily exercise routine. 

To save the hassle of needing to stage your own home, get us to do it for you. At finer, our aim is to maximise the value of your Auckland property and we’d love to do that for you. Get in touch with us today for a free 30 minute in-home consultation on the value we can bring with our home staging service. 

Check out our work

Gaby and team did such a fantastic job in staging two homes over the last year for us - both received great feedback from viewers!
— Neil Watson


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